- [Mission]
- Yagi beauty salon is an old established beauty salon, succeeding for 70 years. Clients are Imperial family, Nobel prize winners, etc.To clarify a wide range of services in the website such as Japanese style wedding, Western style wedding and general service.
- [Contents]
- Hearing, Designing and analyzing services, Reviewing products, Photographing advertisement and Web design.
- [Statetics]
- A beauty salon succeeding for 3 generations and 70 years.Renewing the website upon a replacement of a president. In the inspection and analysis of services and products, it was found out the knowledge and the performance of Kimono Yogi beauty salon has is outstanding. The way of expressing this fact is to use many images, shooting still photography and filming. Clarifying the service menu by explaining actual performance, works related to imperial family and Nobel Prize ceremony.
- [Yogi Beauty Salon(jp)]
- https://www.yogi.co.jp/