As a partner developing together
We would like to support people
who believe in possibilities and try to go beyond.
This is our thought.
We would always like to be a partner in order to achieve with a service
that provides smile and wealth around the world
by evolving our creativity and idea
we got from our challenge, going beyond the existing wedding.
Our thought, company overview, etc.
Let us introduce you BLISS EVENTS
With our stance, working together with company or all the people related to cerebration and grow together, we put ourselves in the clients’ shoes and develop business.
The most important thing to develop business is a person. A person could become active and lively when the ability of the person is brought out.
Partner with experience, a deep knowledge of the industry and extensive ability is the consulting service we would like to offer.
We are particular about the way we producing, how we show client’s thought and how to deliver in the best way.
Our professional team visualize intense and precious time and space.
We pursue “Happy now and future” and “Society enriches people’s heart” through event and party.
Let us introduce a part of our cases we worked with our clients.
We would like to share with you the latest news, media information and event information.
TOPICSAnnouncing the launch of our new corporate websiteThank very much for visiting a website of BLISS EVENTS Inc.We are excited・・・
TOPICSMEDIAOur article was introduced in Magazine, Compal Wedding, winter edition/2019.A magazine, Compel Wedding, winter edition / 2019 was released.You may ・・・
TOPICSEVENTBridal Industrial Fair was held on July 30 (Tue) and July 31 (Wed).Bridal Industrial Fair was held on July 30 (Tue) and July 31 (Wed).Our pr・・・
For everyone who thinks about wedding
BLISS WEDDING, a wedding brand from BLISS EVENTS,
is a professional team for wedding
and party based around Hiroko Hayama
who is selected as one of the world top planners.
To be ourselves!
We would like to offer a custom made wedding party
you can’t have anywhere else.
Here is the latest article of BLISSSTYLE, a website magazine operated by BLISS EVENTS.